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One New Zealand. We're your local. Our purpose is to unlock the magic of technology to make one awesome Aotearoa. We are here to help Kiwi and Kiwi businesses be happier, healthier, more secure, more productive, and more inclusive. 

** NOTE: The above information has been provided by the ISP or reproduced from their website **

Total: 4.5
Reliability 5.2
Speed 5.3
Support 3.2
Features 4.2
Value 4.5
Average from 6 reviews
Showing 1-5 of 6 items.
2024-08-11 11:38:37
Sarah 7.6
Have had mobile and HFC with Vodafone/One for many years. Every time I run comparisons they remain the best value, and the service is very reliable.
Cheapest, reliable, HFC is high speed and cheaper than Fibre, mobile network is reliable
Cheapest is still more than I'd like to pay ideally, and call centre is overseas.
2024-02-21 18:09:27
Cassie 10.0
I've been with One NZ / Vodafone for 3 years now and havn't had an issue. A couple times my internet slowed down but a call to tech support got those resolved.
24/7 Tech support, Friendly customer service agents, Good price and reliability
None Really
2024-02-09 19:22:11
Lachlan 2.0
Not great. Internet is ok but billing and customer service is Absolutely hopless. See cons below.
Nothing really
You get late payment bills before you even get an initial bill. Then when you pay it, your internet gets cut a week later. So you ring them and it sounds like a scam centre in New Deli with the operator not speaking clear Eng. Then you get a merry go around to try and sort it out. They are absolutely hopeless. Wouldnt recommend at all.utely. ...read more
2024-01-23 09:12:22
Jimmy 2.2
They change hike rates without notification. If you are paying through automatic transfer, you will be cut of one day because the amount you pay becomes insufficient. Those paying though credit cards good luck! They will be sucking you dry without you knowing.
Likes to hike rates without informing.
2023-11-07 09:01:19
Paul 1.0
Tried to get my bills due date moved from the 18th to the 22nd of the month as we are paid monthly, couldn't do it, ain't paying any more of their stinking late fees. Customer service/complaints is just an automated merry-go-round.
The internet connection and speeds were fine
The customer service is zero
Showing 1-5 of 6 items.
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