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UBB (a.k.a. Ultimate Broadband) based in Canterbury, New Zealand. We are the heart of connectivity from customer service to quality connectivity solutions. 
UBB was started to provide alternative rural broadband options particularly to customers living in rural areas who often miss out on decent broadband services. We know a cookie cutter service does not always cut it and at UBB we enjoy a challenge in connecting the “unconnectable”. We believe that in this age everyone rural to urban requires a reliable, fast unlimited broadband connection!

** NOTE: The above information has been provided by the ISP or reproduced from their website **

Total: 9.0
Reliability 9.0
Speed 9.0
Support 9.0
Features 9.0
Value 9.0
Average from 1 reviews
Showing 1-1 of 1 item.
2020-07-08 21:14:14
Don 9.0
A thousand times better and more cost-effective than Vodafone
Speed, cost, back up
None as yet
Showing 1-1 of 1 item.
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Latest news on BroadbandCompare.co.nz 29.08.2016 Today we have added three new ISPs:
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Unlimited Broadband at the speed you need with the price you want. For just $59.59 per month, you can make your broadband a lot more simple.
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Get 6 months half price* on Zeronet Broadband! Add Mobile and save an extra $5/m* on broadband! Unbeatable savings when you bundle! *T&Cs apply.
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Switcheroo your home broadband to One New Zealand and score up to $300 credit on selected Unlimited plans.