Netflix Cracks Down On Password-Sharing!

Say goodbye to sharing your password on Netflix!
Thursday, 9 March 2023

How do you watch Netflix? For a lot of people, they’d say they use their parent’s, old flatmate’s, or high school friend’s account. 

Sharing accounts has become extremely commonplace in Aotearoa! This has been great for many Kiwis as they’ve been able to access TV shows and movies for free. However, Netflix has caught on to this. So, they’ve recently made the decision to stop allowing users to share their accounts. 

We’ve got all the details right here!

What is Netflix doing? 

Netflix is implementing new password-sharing rules to a small number of countries. Currently these rules apply to New Zealand, Spain, Portugal, and Canada. These rules will effectively put an end to you being able to use your friend’s Netflix account without paying. 

Each Netflix account will now be associated with a ‘primary location’ that all users must be accessing the account from. If Netflix sees that you aren’t streaming from this primary location, then you will no longer be able to access the service. 

However, you don’t have to stress about losing all your profile information (like your My List, recommendations, viewing history) as you’ll be able to transfer this to a new account. 

Netflix will also be introducing an option for you to pay for extra members on your plan. Users on Standard or Premium plans will be able to add up to two extra members, located outside of their primary location, for $7.99 per month each. Each extra member will get their own profile, password and login. 

The streaming giant also claimed that their changes to password-sharing will not impact your ability to watch Netflix as you travel. On their official website they stated, “Members can still easily watch Netflix on their personal devices [while travelling] or log into a new TV, like at a hotel or holiday rental.” Consumer NZ outlined potential things you may have to do when travelling like receiving temporary access codes. 

When will this change happen?

The password-sharing crackdown has already begun! 

Netflix announced these new rules on the 9th of February. Members will see this change come into place 30 days after they are notified by Netflix (usually by email). 

Last year, the company trialled these password-sharing changes in Latin America and are now in the process of slowly rolling them out to countries across the globe. 

Are they allowed to do this? 

While there’s been plenty of backlash online, Netflix is totally in their right to make this decision. 

In their terms and conditions, they clearly state that one Netflix account can only be shared in one household. So, all members using one account have to be in the same location as the account owner. 

So, while it may come as a shock to many, this was a rule that’s been around for a while but we’ve either chosen to ignore it or we just haven’t read the terms and conditions (who reads them anyway?!). 

Even though Netflix once proclaimed, “Love, is sharing a password” on Twitter, the company has clearly changed their mind and are now strictly enforcing rules already in place.

Why is Netflix implementing this change?

In 2022, the streaming giant faced a slump in revenue and stagnating subscriber growth. So, in order to improve their current situation, they’ve begun offering cheaper ad-supported subscription options and are now attempting to draw revenue from those currently sharing accounts. 

Netflix said that more than 100 million households are currently sharing passwords. The company stated that this is, “...impacting our ability to invest in great new TV and films.” 

How will this affect people?

People around the world are already voicing their concerns. Families with kids heading off to university are feeling frustrated, couples doing long distance are unhappy, and those whose families are split across different households aren’t liking this. 

Consumer NZ reported how one Kiwi is feeling. 31-year-old Ava, based in Hamilton, pays for the most expensive plan so her whole family, who live in different houses, can watch the streaming service.

“It’s stupid because I have the highest subscription with five profiles, which I pay for specifically so my family can access it. It’s not like five people all sharing one profile.”

Ava currently pays $24.99 per month but with the new changes will have to pay $48.66 per month to cover her entire family accessing Netflix. 

“I’ve done it above board and now I’m being penalised. I’m considering cancelling my subscription.”

What are my other options for streaming? 

If you’re now unsure whether you want to continue subscribing to Netflix, don’t worry, there’s heaps of other streaming services!

Check out our recent articles about the best shows to stream on various different streaming sites. You may find another company offers content that intrigues you more than Netflix.

Best Shows to Stream On A Rainy Day

Best Shows to Stream Right Now

Best Shows to Stream This Winter

Head to Broadband Compare! 

If you’re worried about having to pay more for Netflix, then you need to head to Broadband Compare! 

At Broadband Compare, you can save heaps of money off your broadband plan and find special deals like getting free subscriptions to streaming services. So this should definitely soften the blow of Netflix’s recent announcement! 

If you’re unfamiliar, Broadband Compare is a comparison website where you can compare different broadband providers and plans to see which one is right for you.

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Alternatively, if you’d rather chat to a friendly human, then give our customer support team a free call on 0508 22 66 72. They’ll help you out!


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