Provider | Mercury |
Price | $0 first 6 months then $111 |
Contract options | 12 months |
Type | Fibre |
Download speed | up to 843/490 Mbps |
Data | Unlimited |
Get your first 6 months broadband free* when you join on a 1 year electricity and broadband bundle contract. The per month broadband price includes a $15 per month Broadband Bundle Discount which applies as long as you keep your electricity with us too. After 6 months, homeline price from $5 per month. Earn Rewards and redeem for Free Power Days and more. Broadband plan availability may vary. Terms, early termination fees & eligibility apply.
Power | variable |
Router delivery fee | $14.95 |
Router | $120 |
BYO Router | allowed |
Connection fee | $0 |
Termination fee | $350 |
*6 Months Free Broadband 1 Year Fixed Term Offer: Terms, eligibility and early termination fees apply. *For fibre broadband, bring your own router, or purchase for a monthly payment over 2 years. Broadband plan availability may vary.
Mercury Rewards: