Provider | Mercury |
Price | $111 |
Contract options | 24 months |
Type | Fibre |
Download speed | up to 843/490 Mbps |
Data | Unlimited |
Choose a FREE* Samsung product when you join for a 2 year electricity and FibreMax broadband bundle contract. The per month broadband price includes a $15 per month Broadband Bundle Discount which applies as long as you keep your electricity with us too. eero router included. Earn Rewards and redeem for Free Power Days and more. Broadband plan availability may vary. Terms, eligibility and early terminations fees apply.
Family filter | free |
Router | free |
BYO Router | allowed |
Power | variable |
Router delivery fee | $14.95 |
Connection fee | $0 |
Termination fee | See T&Cs |
*Choose a Free Samsung Product 2 Year Fixed Term Offer: T&Cs and early termination fees apply. Router included, P&H $14.95. Broadband plan availability may vary.
Mercury Rewards: