Standard - Deprioritized


Provider Starlink  6.4
Price $79
Contract options open term
Type Wireless
Download speed up to 243/41 Mbps
Data Unlimited

Standard Deprioritized* Unlimited Data plan $79/month. No contracts.

*Users on Deprioritized plan are prioritized behind Standard and will see slower speeds during peak hours. All Starlink subscription plans include unlimited high-speed data on land with no long-term contracts or commitments. Starlink is designed to endure the elements - it can melt snow and withstand sleet, heavy rain, and harsh winds.

Terms & Conditions

Available features

Router delivery feefree
Rental router$19/mo


Connection fee $0
Termination fee $0

Terms and conditions

Standard Deprioritized* Unlimited Data plan $79/month. No long-term contracts or commitments.

Starlink hardware required for installation. A one time payment of $599 or rental price of $19/month.

Download speed range from 158-243mbps
Upload speed range from 23-41mbps

*Users on Deprioritized plan are prioritized behind Standard and will see slower speeds during peak hours.

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